Marcin Małysza, Mieczysław Kuder, Mieczysław Nowak
SIMULATION RESEARCH OF THE FLOW OF THE MEDIA THROUGH A BALL REFLUX VALVE AT VARIOUS DENSITIES OF THE FLOATING BALL WITH THE USE OF FLOW-3D SOFTWAREAbstractModernisation works aiming at lowering the weight and increasing performance of the range of ball reflux valves include also, among other things, lowering the weight (density) of floating balls being an important element of this type of valves. To define the possible benefits, a simulation research of the flow of clean water through a valve of nominal diameter DN125 mm was carried assuming two densities of the ball - used up to now ρ = 1,66 kg/dm3 and modernised ρ = 1,20 kg/dm3. The simulations aimed at determining the parameters defining the efficiency of the valves: rate of flow of the media and drops of pressure in 4 points of the valve, and the size and nature of this flow. A favourable effect of lowering the density of the ball on the working parametres of the valve, reduction of flow resistance and vibrations due to easier movement of the ball and less turbulent flow of the media was found. However, results directly proportional to the degree of reduction in the density of the ball should not be expected. Keywords: reflux valve, flow, computer simulation,
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